Monday, July 19, 2010

jeffrey look!

Meet Jeffrey. He was unfortunate enough to know this girl:

She thought it would be totally awesome if she took all the seaweed from the water and piled it on the beach. Then, when Jeffrey wasn't looking, hit him in the face with it.

Poor Jeffrey.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

jersey shore auditions are actually next week.

Number one: no self-respecting man wears a bathing suit that brightly colored. Especially when it's pink. Number two: how often do you have to go in the sun to become that dark? Do you just like, lay out all the time with baby oil slathered across your skin? Isn't that what women do? Gym tan laundry? Number three: dear guy in blue shorts, put a shirt on. For everyone's sakes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

and the award for most awkward couple ever goes to...

(click the picture to make it bigger!)
Do I even need to say anything about this? I mean, it's pretty self explanatory. Just look at that guys face in picture two. Could you be any weirder?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

i would appreciate it if you didn't do that.

Okay, I understand your thighs are white and you want some color, but do that somewhere else. Number one: you just look weird, and number two: I'm now blind. Thanks for that. And thanks to Ashley for the pic!

i just can't leave my snake alone for one minute.


Seriously? You're at the beach. Leave the stupid snake at home. It's not like a dog where you can put it on a leash. It's around your neck, where people will stare. So for future reference, don't bring a snake to the beach. Thanks Ashley for the pic!

please. for the sake of my eyes, put some clothes on.

Bathing suits should not be made in those sizes. For everyone's sake.

Friday, July 2, 2010

i love you so much, i'm going to awkwardly pour water on you in public.

While lounging at the beach with a friend of mine, this awkward couple was spotted. Moments before, he was pouring water across her stomach. How lovely.